Transparent and scalable local energy market solutions

DOMINOES project

Project objective

DOMINOES (“Smart Distribution Grid: a Market Driven Approach for the Next Generation of Advanced Operation Models and Services”) project aimed to enable the discovery and development of new demand response, aggregation, grid management and peer-to-peer trading services by designing, developing, and validating a transparent and scalable local energy market solution.

Project partners

It is a European research project supported by Horizon 2020 and developed by Enerim (coordinator – Finland), E-REDES (CNET and EDP Distribution), ISEP (GECAD), Lappeenranta University of Technology – LUT (Finland), VPS (UK), University of Leicester – UoL (UK), and University of Seville (Spain).

My Role in the project

I was involved into the integration of LUT LVDC microgrids’ energy management systems (EMSs) to the local market service platform (LMSP) for validation of use case (UC) 5 “Local community flexibility and energy asset management for wholesale and energy system market value”. In this scenario, the aggregator offers flexibility of microgrids (prosumers) for sale to reserve markets through the local energy and flexibility market (LEFM).

To integrate and validate the microgrids’ EMSs into the local market service platform (LMSP) environment, I have developed components of the aggregator platform including forecast, simulation & optimization, control, and settlement services. The results of the use case validation and description of the developed services are presented in D4.4 Distribution Grid and Microgrid Validation Activities Report.