Impact of DER on a distribution network & energy stakeholders

DER project concept

Project objective

The research project aimed at developing a generic methodology to quantify the impact of distribution energy resources (DER) on a distribution grid. The methodology was applied on actual distribution grids and load data that consisted of two example distribution grids in rural (15000 customers, mostly residential), urban (almost 8000 customers, mostly flats and office buildings), and suburban areas (approx. 5000 customers, mostly detached and terraced houses).

Project partners

The project is realized by LUT University. The research was funded by the Finnish Electricity Research Pool (ST-Pooli), the Promotion Centre for Electrical Engineering and Energy Efficiency (STEK ry), Helen Electricity Network Ltd, Nivos, and Suur-Savon Sahko Oy.

My Role in the project

I was in charge of modeling (from raw DSO data to Pandapower model) of distribution grids at MV and LV level in rural (>15k customers !), urban, and suburban areas, power flow simulation (Impact of DER control strategies), and ex-ante visualisation analysis. The final report of the project can be found here.

Modelled distribution grid networks