Highly optimized energy systems

HOPE project concept

Project objective

Aim of the research in HOPE (Highly Optimized Energy Systems) project is to develop tools and solutions for the multi-objective optimization of energy systems by considering the operating conditions and uncertainty. This enables optimization to be adapted to the prevailing conditions. Use of advanced weather forecasts aims to improve predictions on the state of energy devices and enable the inclusion of the uncertainty in the optimization. The integration of heat and electricity including production, distribution and demand aims to more efficient energy systems.

Project partners

HOPE is a collaboration project and consortium of five reseach organisations and six companies. Industrial partners: ABB, Fortum, HögforsGST, Fidelix, Oulun Energia and Vexve. Research Partners: University of Oulu (UO), Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology (LUT), VTT and Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE).

My Role in the project

I was in charge of data-driven energy profiling of residential customers relying on the idea of energy energy signature (see below). The profiling was based on smart meter readings and was intended to discover the amount of flexibility that could be provided by the customer heating systems and identify the type of heating system installed in the customer households.

Concept of energy signature