Big data for next generation energy

BD4NRG project

Project objective

BD4NRG aims to enable an incremental decentralized energy data-driven ecosystem and a collaborative data sovereignty driven ecosystem. The goal is to unlock and exploit the economic potential of big data and give to Energy Sector stakeholders, the opportunity to improve their business operational performance.

To achieve this and to address the emerging challenges in big data management, BD4NRG partners will develop, adapt, deliver and deploy a distributed big data energy analytics framework - BD4NRG Framework.

Project partners

The project consortium consists of 35 partners from 11 Countries and involves organisations with complementary expertise from the research and industrial area across Europe.

My Role in the project

My research work was devoted to the development and proof-of-concept validation of grid-friendly flexibility activation method for residential demand response assets relying on the high-resolution locally retrieved grid data. The documentation of the large-scale pilot is presented in deliverable D8.2 LSP 5 Documentation.