Smart and flexible solutions for a decarbonised energy future

MAESHA project

Project objective

The main objective of MAESHA (deMonstration of smArt and flExible solutions for a decarboniSed energy future in Mayotte and other European islAnds) is to decarbonise the energy systems of geographical islands by fostering the large deployment of RES through the installation of tailored innovative flexibility services based on a close study and modelling of local energy systems and community structures.

MAESHA will demonstrate the solutions on the French overseas island of Mayotte and study replicability potential on 5 follower islands representing more than 1.2 million inhabitants spread in geographical Europe and overseas territories.

Project partners

MAESHA gathers two universities (TU Berlin, Association Léonard de Vinci), ten SMEs (Trialog, E3-Modelling, Cybergrid, Tecsol, Creara, Bovlabs, Hive Power, Hudara, Greening The Islands, Euroquality), three industrial partners (Cobra, Centrica, Electricité de Mayotte), and six public organisations (Territory of the Wallis and Futuna Islands, Collectivité de St Barthélémy, Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands, Comune di Favignana, Gozo business chamber association, Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions)

My Role in the project

I am involved in the design of flexibility market and product for Mayotte island.